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fugiat nulla pariatur.
Stinging insects are insects with stingers that they use to deliver a venom, either for defense or as a means to paralyze and subdue prey. There are many types of stinging insects that can be found at residential and commercial properties throughout the state of North Carolina.
Two stinging insects that are common to North Carolina and that you’re probably the most familiar with are paper wasps and bald faced hornets.
If you find a nest on your property, do not attempt to remove it yourself. When they feel threatened, stinging insects will swarm and attack. In order to remove a nest without getting injured, contact the pest control experts at Holly Springs Pest Control. We can take care of your paper wasp or hornet problem, leaving you sting-free!
In order to prevent stinging insects from choosing your property as their home, you need to make your yard unappealing to them. Here are some helpful prevention tips:
116 Moore Hill Way
Holly Springs, NC 27540
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